Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Barilla Pasta & America's Second Harvest

You can help feed the hungry by downloading a free cookbook. Barilla Pasta is donating $1 to America's Second Harvest for every download of the Celebrity Pasta Lovers Cookbook. The cookbook features recipes from several different celebrities, including Kristin Davis from Sex And The City.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

save even more with Target

I didn't always live in Alaska... I use to live in a town with ample access to my favorite store, Target. Now, my Target experience involves the computer and a virtual shopping cart (although, if I make microwave popcorn before I log on, it is almost the same. ha ha).

In my prior post, I mentioned the Sarah Blakely Foundation. I forgot to mention that she recently partnered with Target and has a new line called Assets, sold exclusively through the retailer. A portion of each purchase goes straight to the charity.

Anyways, Target is known for having great stuff at great prices, but if you are looking to save even more money, head to CouponChief.com as they have Target coupons.

Sarah Blakely is one Clever Chick!

You may be familiar with Sarah Blakely, maybe not... but if you have ever entered the hosiery department of a major store or read a fashion magazine, you've seen her product Spanx. She started her company with $5000, took a vacation from her job and drove around to hosiery mills, looking for a way to get her creation made. Once she had a product in hand she was a one-woman publicity force and landed major contracts in top stores. She is a self-made success and now she has created the Sarah Blakely Foundation, in order to help other women achieve success. Check out the website and spread the word.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

How's Your Heart?

Yes - February will always be tied to the notion of candy hearts and heart-shaped boxes filled with chocolate, but what about the heart in your chest? February is National Heart Month and that is something we all need to celebrate. Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women in America? Check out the American Heart Association to learn more about keeping your heart healthy.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Be Ugly

ABC has partnered up with Girls Inc to create BE UGLY 07. Using "Ugly Betty" as the spokeswoman, this campaign is all about empowering girls. Check out the t-shirts and support a great cause!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

raise your hand if you have credit card debt...

If you are in your twenties or thirties, you probably have a lot of debt. According to the statistics, anyway. So if you are one of the unlucky ones to be sitting on a heap of student loans or Credit Card Debt,welcome to the club. However, it is a club you'll want to be leaving soon. You've heard it before, but the interest on those credit cards can really add up. If possible, try to consolidate your credit card debt onto one card with a low interest rate. Credit card companies are notorius for lowering them if they think you are going to switch cards, so don't be afraid to call them and demand a lower rate.

Monday, January 29, 2007

january + warm weather + alaska = very odd

it has been unseasonably warm here lately... in the 40's!!... chalk one up to global warming!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oh, those glossy magazines....

To me, there is nothing more relaxing than stretching out at the end of the day or on a lazy weekend and reading a magazine. I was already a certified avid reader. I think the magazine obsession started a looong time ago, back when I was about 9. My aunt gave me a big box of Teen Magazine past issues. And I have been reading magazines ever since. It didn't matter what it was. I would even read my mom's copies of Women's Day or Family Circle when I was as young as 10. If it was laying around, I read it.

As a teenager myself, I was all about Sassy. If you were a teen-age girl in the early 90's, then you probably read it, too. I remember how sad I was when the magazine ended. And then, when I was about 19, Jane Pratt and (some of the same) staff were back with Jane, which I still read today. I've also been a long time reader of Allure, Marie Claire, Glamour... well, I will stop now. The list can go on and on and on.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oscar Nominations

I am so glad that Little Miss Sunshine rec'd several Oscar Nominations. I thought this movie was t-riffic and if you haven't seen it yet, you really need to.

Friday, January 19, 2007

get ready for those flip-flops

Being up in Alaska, as I am, the stores are still chock-full of winter gear. But my sister, who is in the Lower 48, has told me that the stores there are full of swimming suits. I don't really have a need for those up here, but if someone finds some cute cherry-printed flip-flops, send them my way. My dog chewed on mine from last year....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

ready for a vacation?

Well, the holidays are finally over.... are you ready for a vacation yet? I found a travel site that contains guides written by Harvard students, http://www.letsgo.com/. If you are looking to go somewhere on the cheap, check out their tips. I looked up some of the Alaska stuff and they seemed to know what they were talking about. Check out what they have to say about your destination...

Monday, January 15, 2007

so many photos to catch up on.....

I love to take pictures... of anything and everything. I started scrapbooking a little over two years ago. I was hesitant at first... I thought it was something only old ladies did. But I was wrong. You can really create some cool stuff with a little bit of paper and a few accessories. If you don't believe me, check out Ali Edwards. She is an amazing artist.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

you gotta love it

You gotta love the look of the French Manicure. So classic and country club-ish... I heard the French hate the French Manicure and think it is stupid. Well, here are the directions if you don't know how to make your nails look fancy and preppy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


winter equals soup. 'nuff said. find recipes here.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Classy Lady

I heard a line about a famous actress in the 40's or 50's who swore a lot, and she thought it was comical; like who would have thought such a pretty lady had a mouth like a drunken sailor... I admit, I have a bit of a mouth on me, too. However, I can control it. If you can't, or if you just want to quit, here is an article about how to quit swearing. I guess it is supposed to be really helpful, but I find it somewhat funny that someone would need to read an article on how to stop swearing. I mean, just keep your mouth closed.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

If you are going to make some New Year's Resolutions, check out this article I found http://www.goalsguy.com/Events/n_facts.html. You can learn the history of making resolutions and other trivia.

At least, when someone asks you next month how those resolutions are coming, you can spew all those fun facts at them instead of telling them you broke your resolutions on Jan 3......