Friday, December 15, 2006


I will admit that I love TV. I was named after a TV character, after all. I have heard stories of people who don't own televisons and I have mixed feelings about these people. I am somewhat in awe of them, but part of me thinks they must be really wierd. I mean, what kind of person doesn't own a TV? Even if you think that the stuff on TV is beneath your mentality, without a TV you can't watch DVDs of documentaries or totally underground art films or whatever someone without a TV would watch....

I am not into reality TV, I've never seen an episode of "American Idol" or "Survivor", and I am not going to start watching it, either. And I don't watch "Lost" or "Grey's Anatomy" or any of these shows that people go ga-ga over.

However, part of me misses the glory-days of the talk shows. Back when I was in high school, I would get home at about quarter to three, and I would watch Ricki, Sally Jessy, Montel, Jenny Jones, etc. Yes, Montel is still on, but it isn't the same...

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